Kelayakan Hasil Uji Validitas dan Praktikalitas E-LKPD Berbasis Radec Menggunakan Liveworksheets pada Pembelajaran IPAS di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

Silvia Shalehati, Yanti Fitria


This research is motivated by the lack of utilization and use of IT-based interactive learning media that is in line with current developments and learning media that lack variety. This research aims to develop RADEC-based E-LKPD using live worksheets where students will learn based on E-LKPD that has been validated and is categorized as valid and practical. The type of research carried out is Research and Development (R&D) using the 4D model. With the Define (defining), Design (designing), Develop (development) and Disseminate (distribution) stages. The data from this research was obtained from the results of validation, practicality questionnaires. The validation sheet is filled in by material, language and media experts.  Then a trial was carried out at SDN 01 Rantau Batu Ambacang by 12 students in class V. The results of this research produced LKPD in the form of RADEC-based E-LKPD using Livewoksheets which was valid and practical. The overall validation results obtained a percentage of 94.97% in the "Very Valid" category. The practicality results from the teacher response questionnaire were 92.85% in the "Very Practical" category and 95.48% for students in the "Very Practical" category. Thus, the use of RADEC-based E-LKPD using Liveworksheets in science and science learning in class V elementary school is declared valid and practical.

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