The Role Of Thematic Learning Evaluation In Improving Students' High-Level Thinking Ability (HOTS)

Annisa Filaidi


The Ministry of Education and Culture in 2013 has stated that the learning model that is applied must strive for students to find out, answer as well as take part in problem formulation, think analytically or be able to make decisions not just think mechanically, and be able to be cooperative and collaborative to decide on a solution. . By looking at these generalizations, the need in the present century is an ability that can answer all the problems that arise in various elements of human life. Communities with skills in accordance with the needs of the times can provide space and widen the path for various sectors of life. Through the provision of high-level critical thinking (high order thinking skills) can achieve capabilities or abilities in accordance with the expectations of the times. In line with that, Widihastuti (2015, p. 78) states that through higher-order thinking skills or HOTS students will be able to think critically creatively, be thorough, be able to solve problems and make decisions, and have good character. Permendikbud no 21 of 2016 concerning content standards for basic and secondary education Explicitly states that learning outcomes in the domain of knowledge include the taxonomy of bloom which has been revised by Lorin Anderson and David consisting of the ability to: know, understand, apply, analyze , evaluate, and create. In accordance with the taxonomy, the dimensions of HOTS cognitive processes are analyzing , evaluating, and creating. HOTS questions generally measure the ability to analyze , evaluate, and create.

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