Collaborative Learning through an Integrated Thematic Approach in Elementary Schools

Nesta - Olivia


The purpose of this study is to illustrate the importance of an integrated thematic approach in enhancing student learning. The research method used is a qualitative method by interviewing six teachers from various classes in elementary schools. The results of the research show that collaborative learning through an integrated thematic approach has a positive impact on students in elementary schools. Teachers reported an increase in collaboration and collaboration between students in the learning process. Students are actively involved in discussions, share ideas, and help each other in solving problems, creating an inclusive learning environment. In addition, an integrated thematic approach allows students to apply the knowledge they learn in real situations. Students can connect learning concepts with their real experiences, such as doing projects in the community or field trips related to learning themes. This provides a deeper meaning for students and strengthens their understanding of the material being studied. Collaborative learning through an integrated thematic approach also increases student motivation in learning. Student-centered learning, involving them in interesting collaborative activities, and giving them responsibility for their own learning, makes students more enthusiastic and actively involved in the learning process.

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