Development of inquiry model worksheet for 4th grader elementary school student

Diana Jani Prasinta, M. Thoha B.S. Jaya, Darwin Surbakti


This study aims to develop student worksheets, and determine the effectiveness of thematic-based worksheets through the Inquiry model for fourth grade students at the State Elementary School I Pinang Jaya. The type of research is research and development (R&D) referring to the theory of Borg & Gall. The research population was fourth grade students at SDN Kemiling Cluster 1 and the sample was determined using a multistage random sampling technique of 54 students. The data collection tool uses tests for learning outcomes and observation instruments. The data analysis technique was carried out by quantitative analysis for product development, namely the effectiveness test using N-gain and t-test. The results showed that the worksheets developed were feasible to use and effective in improving student learning outcomes.

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