Analyzing the understanding of science concept based on learning motivation, science process skills, multirepresentation ability, gender, and background of elementary school teacher education student

Siti Fatimah


This research aims to analyze the students understanding as elementary school teacher candidates about science knowledge concept based on motivation to learn, science process skills, multi-representation ability, gender, and their school background. The subjects in this researcharestudents who are in the third semester of school year 2016/2017. CRI methodology have been used to analyze the understanding of the concept. The result indicates: 1) Understanding about IPA concept has 82.64 percent of students understand the concept, 4.86 percent of students do not understand the concept, and 12.50 percent of students get misconceptions; 2) Understanding aboutconcept of elementary school teacher candidates based on learning motivation states that the high category better than the low category; 3) Understanding aboutconcept of elementary school teacher candidates based on the science process skills shows that the high category is better than the low category; 4) Understanding aboutconcept of elementary school teachers candidates based on the multi-representations ability indicates that high category is better than the low category; 5) Understanding aboutconcept of the female elementary school teacher candidates is better than the male ones; 6) Understanding aboutconcept of elementary school teacher candidates who have IPA background in the high school is better than those derived from IPS background and vocational high school (SMK).

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